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Computing (Applied)

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Applied Computing Overview

This course provides you with an opportunity to study all aspects of application development and deployment. Students will explore the core knowledge, skills and understanding that underpin computer programming. They will also develop skiills in computational thinking and programming skills, as well as developing an understanding of how these skills are used to solve problems. 

Applied Computing

Applied Computing

What will I learn?

  • Software development methodologies and principles of software development in relation to solving specific problems.
  • How to detect and prevent different types of network security threats.
  • How to use encryption to secure data transmission and storage.
  • How to design user experiences and user interfaces to meet the diverse needs of users.
  • How developers scope application requirements, and the design features which make applications intuitive for users.
  • How users interact with applications.
  • How to develop ideas for UX/UI solutions which meet specific requirements and the design process to create graphical representations of these.
  • Communication skills, which are vital in the IT sector.
Applied Computing

Applied Computing

Please note: /404Certificate in Mathematical Studies must be studied alongside this course, unless you are also studying Mathematics or Statistics. 

What can you do after the course?

This course offers progression to a wide range of degree courses, apprenticeships and careers. Careers include games developer, cyber security network technician, programmer, web developer, systems analyst, digital media, information systems, network support, business, accountancy, teaching, advertising, TV and film production.

All students will have an opportunity to enhance their team-working skills, security skills, and games development knowledge through trips and visiting speakers.

Elle talks about studying Computer Games Development and Cyber Security